The Orthotics Process

Orthotics are not just for foot pain. If you’re out of alignment, your whole body can suffer – the arches flatten, ankles break down, the knees bend inward, the hips drop, and the back tries to compensate, straining muscles from the lower back to the shoulders. Many of these pains can be alleviated with the help of orthotics.

With a background in kinesiology, we don’t just assess your feet and the way you walk. We provide a total body assessment to pinpoint other contributing factors from the neck down. We offer exercises to help with pain and discomfort and even suggest proper footwear that may be an underlying issue. We take the extra time with you to get a complete assessment and provide any advice you may need.

Every orthotic is made using your own unique foot cast. We digitize the shape of your foot using a weight-bearing three dimensional casting procedure which provides an extremely accurate measurement – within a fraction of a millimeter! We manufacture all of our orthotics right in our on-site lab so you don’t have to wait weeks for your orthotics and any future adjustments can be done while you wait! The same people you meet to evaluate your feet are the same people who make your orthotics and handle adjustments. We also offer a variety of footwear options, making the whole process quick and seamless for you.

The Process


We offer no-obligation consultations. During your initial assessment, one of our pedorthists will examine you from a biomechanical perspective to assess your gait, posture and shoe wear patterns to determine the source of your pain and evaluate treatment options in order to alleviate it.

For your initial assessment, bring any shoes you wear most often so they can be examined for wear patterns and any necessary suggestions can be made. If you have a prescription or referral, bring it with you as well. A referral, prescription or note is not required for your appointment


After your initial assessment, we will cast you for your orthotics. Our three-dimensional casting technique is a much-improved process compared to older techniques which relied on interpretation and measuring the foot while lying down. Our system creates a three-dimensional cast of your foot using a total contact digitizer while you’re weight-bearing. The computer allows for corrections to be made directly to the foot on the design which improves the fit and function of your orthotic.

After you have been casted, an appointment will be made to pick up your new orthotics.

Manufacturing & Pick up

All of our orthotics are milled right in our on-site CAD/CAM laboratory. This ensures that turnaround times are as quick and accurate as possible. Our computer-controlled mill digitally reproduces an orthotic using your unique foot cast.

All orthotics are made prior to your pick-up appointment. At this appointment, your new orthotics will be fitted to the footwear you intend to wear most often, such as indoor slippers or outdoor walking shoes. If you don’t have appropriate footwear, we offer a wide variety of footwear options right in our clinic! We ensure the fit of all orthotics and footwear before you leave.

If you are submitting a claim to an insurance provider, we will provide you with all the necessary paperwork during this time.

Follow Up Appointments

After you’ve picked up your new orthotics, we will book you in for a one month follow up appointment to check that the new orthotics are working well for you, make any necessary adjustments, and put a cover material on the orthotics. We suggest regular follow-up appointments thereafter to ensure all orthotics, footwear, and/or exercises are working well and maintained.


Serving the Community for Over 30 Years

For many years, we've been providing custom orthotics to residents of Peterborough.

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